
Hannah says that the fireflies are brighter here in Thailand. I think she’s right. Last night the power went out for a while, so we all headed outside to watch the lighting and wait for the thunderstorm. I love thunderstorms! There is just something about the amazing power behind the rain, lightening, and thunder that makes me want to run around and dance in it as if I was an eight year old on a warm summer night. Supposedly we are in the raining season, however, with the storm last night there was no rain. Only fireflies. But it was still a great show.

Each morning, for the past three days we have been going to Thai language class. It’s a difficult language to learn due to the fact that it’s a tonal language. Our teacher, Khun Quan, is very kind, helpful, and I’m really enjoying getting to know her. I’m also starting to realize just how small this world is: she showed us a picture of her “American friends” and one of the guys in the photo is a guy from Wheaton College who was in Thailand with SMP last summer. Weird. Another student at the school is a Wheaton grad. I guess it is true that you can go almost anywhere in the world and meet a Wheaton grad. Although I find myself struggling to learn Thai (and I thought Spanish was hard) I also see the importance of being able to communicate with the Thai people I’m interacting with each day. Dr. Arnold and Dr. Howell often mention the importance of knowing how to communicate and I am now seeing first hand just how important it is. I am grateful for the grace and sense of humor my teacher brings into the class each day.

In the afternoons we have been visiting various ministries in Chiang Mai, trying to see how God is working and where our gifts can meet needs. We have visited different orphanages and each time we hear a child’s story of hardship and pain my heart goes out to them. The questions are building up in my heart and mind about pain, God allowing suffering, the role of the Church, and the actions we Christians should be taking about the injustices in this world. I’m excited to get into a weekly schedule of working with different organizations and ministries.

Yesterday, we met up with a Thai woman who runs a ministry that teaches English to girls in a nearby urban slum. There are two girls who are having trouble learning English and the woman was praying for someone to come work one-on-one with these girls. I really felt lead to help these girls. They are so beautiful and I know that being able to speak English can open doors for them to be able to obtain better jobs, possibly helping them out of the poverty they live in. However, I feel completely inadequate. Please pray that as I begin working with them I will be able to think of creative ways for them to stay interested and motivated.

Thanks for all of your prayers! I hope you are all daily seeing the grace and love of Christ. More to come soon. Until then, blessings!


Unknown said...

I'm praying for you Tricia! love you

paul said...

Tricia! I can´t believe that I only haven´t talked to you in about 2 weeks! It seems so long. It is so good to hear about what is happening in Thailand. The image of you and Hannah watching fireflies without electricity is one that I love! Buenos Aires is good and I have loved being with everyone. Hillary and I are visitation partners, we have to visit cultural places together every day. It has been a really stretching experience, but I also know that this is great preparation for any future international work that I do. I´m sure that you´re in a similar situation. Say hi to hannah. i miss her sloths. byeeeeloveyoutwo.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Trisha!
We are praying for you. Glad to hear that you are safe!
When you get a minute, check out Becca's Senegal blog:
Keep on blogging...it's wonderful to be able to keep up-to-date!

Keep the faith!
The Chases at home ~
Gary, Val and Emily